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Mike;: The memoirs of the Right Honourable Lester B. Pearson_图书大全



Mike;: The memoirs of the Right Honourable Lester B. Pearson

ISBN: 9780812902990

定价: 81.00


In his autobiographV£?Benvenuto Cellini wrote£o
A1l men of whatsoever quality they be who have done anything of excellence
or which may properly resemble excellence ought£?if they are persons of truth
and honesty£?to describe their life with their own hand£?but they ought not to
attempt SO fine an enterprise till they have passed the age of forty£?
Whether I have done anything of excellence or properly resembling
it iS not for me to determine£?I certainly have had many opportunities
SO to do£?The years of my life have been filled with interest£?variety£?and
excitement£?NOW that I am far beyond Cellini7S age of forty£?I venture
to yield to his injunction and describe my 1ife 7with my own hand£?7 This
iS the first of three volumes to that end£?
They tell my own story and therefore£?naturally£?concentrate more
on my association with certain events than with the events themselves£?
A large part of the first volume deals with my career as a civil servant
in the Department of External Aflairs£?It was there I first played any
discernible part in national and international events£?At first that part
was small£?but there was compensation in having a fine view of the
stage and its maj or actors£?Later£?I moved closer to the centre with
appropriate changes in both role and view£?The volume ends with my
entry into politics as Minister of the department in which I had happily
served for twenty years£?
Volume 2 will cover my tenure as Secretary of State for External
Affairs in the government of Mr Louis st Laurent from 1948 to 1957£?
Th???1ast 31ume Nil?ˉbe £oerned with my years as Prime Minister andl e last volume will be concerned with m ears as rime Minister and