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Rome Antics_图书大全



Rome Antics

ISBN: 9780395822791

出版社: Houghton Mifflin

出版年: 1997-10

页数: 79

定价: 142.00元

装帧: HRD


A pigeon carrying an important message takes the reader on a unique tour through Rome. As we follow the path of this somewhat wayward bird, we discover that Rome is a place where past and present live side by side. It is a city that has been recycling itself for two thousand years, but unlike a museum, Rome displays its remarkable history without respect for chronology. A new electric bus travels over cobblestone streets just ten feet above the floor of an ancient stadium. Inscriptions from tombs and temples share wall space with neon. Every time a corner is turned there is a surprise, just as every turn of the page brings a new perspective. This juxtaposition of ancient and modern, as seen with David Macaulay's ingenious vision, gives the reader an imaginative and informative journey through this wondrous city.


大衛.麥考利(David Macaulay)

生於1946年12月2日,11歲時隨雙親由英格蘭搬到美國的紐澤西州。在適應新環境的過程中,對麥考利來說,畫畫開始成為一件重要的事。他在羅德島設計學院得到建築學位,在學期間並曾造訪了羅馬、龐貝等地。他從事過室內設計師、中學老師,也在母校羅德島設計學院任教過。他在1973年出版第一本書《大教堂》(Cathedral)(信誼),此後開始了一系列的創作,精細描繪了羅馬城(City)、法老王金字塔(Pyramid)、中世紀要塞(Castle)、新英格蘭磨坊城鎮(Mill)、摩天大樓(Unbuilding)等建築過程、以及維繫城市運作的地底系統(Underground)等,其他作品還有,《Shortcut》,《黑與白》(Black and White)(信誼),《The Way Things Work》(1998年再版改名為The New Way Things Work)。



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