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The Constant Gardener_图书大全



The Constant Gardener

ISBN: 9780340896143

作者: John Le Carré

出版社: Hodder And Stoughton Ltd.

出版年: 2005-7-31

页数: 570

定价: 79.00元

装帧: Paperback



Frightening, heartbreaking and exquisitely calibrated, The Constant Gardener is a profoundly moving story of a man ennobled by his wife’s tragic murder, and a magnificent exploration of the dark side of unbridled capitalism.

“Another classic narrative. Nobody writing today manipulates suspense better. Nobody constructs a more tantalizingly complex plot. A powerful, moving novel that stands with le Carre’s best. It is, in other words, essential reading.”

------ Sunday Telegraph

“Le Carre poses deep spiritual questions about the damage [the human race] has done, and continues to do, both to the planet and to itself. He does so in a page-turner which reminds us that the master storyteller of the Smiley books has lost none of his cunning.”

----- Daily Mail

“Richly detailed, full of righteous fire to offset its desperate prognosis, The Constant Gardener is a very impressive piece of work. It is certainly one of John le Carre’s best books.”

------ The Times Literary Supplement

“This is le Carre with a new twist, the Old Master developing new techniques for a new age. . . What is different in this book, however, is the passion.

----- The Times


约翰·勒卡雷,原名大卫·康威尔(David Cornwell),1931年生于英国。18岁便被英国军方情报单位招募,担任对东柏林的间谍工作;退役后在牛津大学攻读现代语言,之后于伊顿公学教授法文与德文。1959年进入英国外交部,同时开始写作。1963年以第三本著作《柏林谍影》一举成名,知名小说家格林如此盛赞:“这是我读过的最好的间谍小说!”从此奠定文坛大师地位。

勒卡雷一生得奖无数,包括1965年美国推理作家协会的爱伦坡奖,1964年的英国毛姆奖、James Tait Black纪念奖,1988年获颁英国犯罪推理作家协会(CWA)终身成就奖,即钻石匕首奖(另外在1963年与1977年两次获颁金匕首奖),以及意大利Malaparte Prize等等。2005年,CWA更是将其最高荣誉“金匕首奖中之奖”授予勒卡雷。至今已出版21部作品,已有11部被改编为电影与电视剧。



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