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When I Was Young in the Mountains_图书大全



When I Was Young in the Mountains

ISBN: 9780140548754

出版社: Puffin

出版年: 1993-1

页数: 32

定价: 55.00元

装帧: Paperback


二十多年来,辛西娅·赖兰特(Cynthia Rylant)在阿巴拉契亚山脉的童年往事一直是读者的最爱。大山里的成长历程经赖兰特简朴而抒情的文笔描绘,再配上黛安娜·古德(Diane Goode)的插图,显得优美而柔和。本书曾获得凯迪克荣誉奖(Caldecott Honor Medal)。为庆祝二十周年出版纪念,新书将用铜色纪念带装饰。

Book Description

For twenty years, Cynthia Rylant's story of childhood in the Appalachian Mountains has been an enduring favorite. Growing up in the mountains is depicted with a spare, lyrical text and beautiful, tender illustrations by Diane Goode. The book was awarded a Caldecott Honor Medal.

To celebrate its twentieth anniversary, When I Was Young in the Mountains is being released with a commemorative copper-colored band.

Illustrated by Diane Goode


辛西娅· 赖兰特:1954年出生于美国, 畅销书作家、图书馆员。至今,她已为孩子们创作了100多部作品,包括小说、图画书、短篇故事及诗歌。她是纽伯瑞奖和凯迪克奖的双料得主,与黛安娜· 古德合作创作的《山中旧事》获得了1983年的凯迪克奖银奖。相隔10年,又凭借《想念梅姨》获得1993年纽伯瑞奖金奖。

黛安娜· 古德:美国童书插画家,创作了一系列的畅销作品,包括《我们的妈妈哪儿去了》《鳄鱼男孩》等。她的作品总是带着温暖和爱,纤细的线条往往能够传达出浓浓的情感。凭借《山中旧事》一书,一举获得1983年凯迪克奖银奖。


关键词:When I Was Young in the Mountains