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Peace and War

副标题: A Theory of International Relations

ISBN: 9780765805041

出版社: Transaction Publishers

出版年: 2003-6-5

页数: 820

定价: USD 39.95

装帧: Paperback

原作名: Paix et guerre entre les nations


Inevitably enemies by position and by the incompatibility of their ideologies, the United States and the Soviet Union have a common interest not in ruling together over the world, but in not destroying each other. This book reflects on the problems of attaining peace. Part One deals with theory, the concepts and systems of international relations. Part Two investigates the sociology of peace and war, discussing determinants such as space, resources, and regimes. The history of the global system in the thermonuclear age is discussed in Part Three, and Part Four is concerned with morality, strategy, and the attainment of peace through law.


雷蒙?阿隆(Raymond Aron,1905—1983),法国哲学家、社会学家和政治学家,也是法国20世纪最清醒的政治评论家,对20世纪的法国和国际政治思想都产生了重大影响。阿隆博学多才,才华横溢,涉猎广泛,在社会学、政治学、历史学和国际关系学科等领域都卓有建树。他一生笔耕不辍,发表过四十余部著作,最主要的作品包括《历史哲学导论》、《克劳塞维茨》、《知识分子的鸦片》、《工业社会十八讲》、《回忆录》以及这本国际关系的经典巨著《和平与战争:国际关系理论》等。


关键词:Peace and War