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The Forgotten Beasts of Eld (Magic Carpet Books) (Paperback)_图书大全



The Forgotten Beasts of Eld (Magic Carpet Books) (Paperback)

ISBN: 9780152055363

出版社: Harcourt Childrens Books

出版年: 2006-1

页数: 343

定价: 55.00元

装帧: Pap


Sixteen when a baby is brought to her to raise, Sybel has grown up on Eld Mountain. Her only playmates are the creatures of a fantastic menagerie called there by wizardry. Sybel has cared nothing for humans, until the baby awakens emotions previously unknown to her. And when Coren--the man who brought this child--returns, Sybel's world is again turned upside down.


派翠西亞?麥奇莉普(Patricia Anne McKillip, 1948.2.29-)

生於美國奧瑞岡州西冷市,於加州聖荷西州立大學獲得英國文學碩士學位。碩士畢業後成為專職作家,尤以奇幻小說知名%%,著有多本奇幻長篇小說,包括The Book of Atrix Wolfe、Winter Rose、Song for the Basilisk等書。此外,亦寫作成人與青少年小說。

1975年以《女巫與幻獸》獲得世界奇幻獎、1994年《豐饒與陌異》獲創神奇幻文學獎(Mythopoeic Award)、《風中豎琴手》入圍雨果獎、《冬日玫瑰》入圍星雲獎。現居奧瑞岡州。
