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Teaching Jewish Virtues_图书大全



Teaching Jewish Virtues

副标题: Sacred Sources and Arts Activities

ISBN: 9780867050455

出版社: A.R.E. Press

出版年: June 1, 1999

页数: 358

定价: $38.72


This book addresses the issues of who we should be, how we can develop personal character, and why pursuing lives of virtue is a central Jewish value. The 22 Virtues presented include Anavah (Humility), Din V'Rachamimim (Balancing Justice and Mercy), Emet (Truth), Erech Apayim (Slowness to Anger), Lo Levayesh (Not Embarassing Others), Malachah (Industriousness), Nedivut (Generosity), Ohev Zeh et Zeh/Mechabayd Zeh et Zeh (Loving and Honoring Others), Ometz Lev (Courage), Samayach B'Chelko (Contentment with One's Lot), Shmiat HaOzen (Attentiveness/Being a Good Listener), Shmirat HaGuf (Taking Care of Your Body), Simcha (Joy), and Yirah (Awe and Reverence). This book provides indispensible stimulation for inspiring mastery of Jewish virtues. All readers will increase their awareness of who they are at heart, and who they want to become.


Rabbi Susan Freeman is Education Director at Congregation B'nai Israel in Northampton, Massachusetts. In prior years, she was Rabbi of Congregation Shir HeHarim in Brattleboro, Vermont, a dancer with the Avodah Dance Ensemble in New York, a director and performer in her own performance group, and a founding Board member of the National Center for Jewish Healing. After receiving her B.A. at Oberlin College, she attended Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion where she was ordained in 1990. She is co-author of "Torah in Motion: Creating Dance Midrash" (A.R.E. Publishing, Inc.).


关键词:Teaching Jewish Virtues