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A good man: The life of Sam J. Ervin_图书大全



A good man: The life of Sam J. Ervin

ISBN: 9780395207154

定价: 99.00


Chapter 1
HE BEGAN LIFE like everybody else??? not knowing very much??? and most
of his thinking was done at night-- because in the daytime he was
shuttled around with the other children and didn t have time to think;
dominated by the other children??? too. Being??? at two and three years
old??? the youngest??? or the youngest walking??? and therefore the most
susceptible to domination. So he did most of his thinking in the
nights??? which were darker than they ever were to he again. There was
no street lamp out on the dirt road that ran by the big white house???
and the leaves of the ancient oaks shut out the moon.
It was dark??? and he would lie there??? perhaps having been awakened
by violent noises from the other bed??? where his older brother??? Ed???
who maybe wasn t going to make it??? lay wracked with whooping cough
and later with asthma; who would wake up gasping??? lurch out of bed???
and stumble over the cool wood floor to the straightbacked chair to
sit??? erect and fragile??? looking out to that dark world he knew no better
than Sam did. Ed was two years older than Sam??? the oldest son??? and
was expected to grow up to be a lawyer like his daddy. But Sam didn t
know about that??? and didn t know the father very well??? either -- that
dapper??? dry little man who was gone away to the mountain courts.
Sometimes the mother would conle in??? a tall woman who spoke
gendy to the boy in the chair??? hugged him??? and went out??? leaving Ed

关键词:A good man The life of Sam J Ervin