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Another Metamorphosis and Other Fictions_图书大全



Another Metamorphosis and Other Fictions

ISBN: 9780940242425

定价: 21.00


The Security Precaution
F he cabinet minister had implemented a security pre-
caution that created a great deal of uncertainty among
le people because it could be construed as a threat to the
aemy. The enemy initiated a similar security precaution???
hich made the people even more uneasy. Those who felt
~ost uneasy in both countries marched in separate demon-
:rations??? but all of them had placards that read: \"Abolish
ae Security Precaution.\" Since they were thus working
Jr the same cause??? both sides were accused of working
)r the enemy??? and security precautions were taken against
b-em. This aroused some indignation in both countries???
nd those who were the most indignant marched in dem-
nstrations with signs that read: \"We Demand the Release
ff the Demonstrators.\" Then those demonstrators were
~ut in prison??? which caused some unrest among the peo-
ple. But in both countries the prime ministers spoke
0othingly to the people: \"We do not doubt the good
rttendons of the demonstrators???\" they said??? each in his
~wn language??? \"but good intentions are not enough if evil
mentions control the world. We??? who ourselves rule over
)nly a small part of the world??? must unfortunately adhere
the unpleasant realities.\"