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Gods Of Aquarius_图书大全



Gods Of Aquarius

ISBN: 9780425047538

定价: 18.00


UFOs: Our Reminder of
As he was driving home from work on January 24??? 1969??? a
salesman from Indiana??? Pennsylvania??? who prefers to remain
unnamed??? noticed a saucer-shaped object hovering over a pond
about a hundred yards from the highway. It was a clear day???
with good visibility. The man pulled over to the side of the
road and rolled down a window for a closer look at the UFO???
which was at eye-level.
Because the front of the object appeared to be transparent???
the salesman could clearly view its interior. Two beings were
inside??? earnestly engaged in repair work. Their backs were
toward their observer??? and they appeared oblivious at first to
the fact that they were being scrutinized.
When one of the beings caught sight of the curious human???
he seemed startled and returned to his task with added vigor.
As the salesman later reported??? after a few more minutes \"One
of them..??? shook his head??? like saying??? Yeah??? and the other
one ran over . . . pulled two levers . . . and they disappeared
just like that!\"
The object had totally and instantly vanished as soon as the
two beings had completed their \"repairs.\" It was as if their
vehicle??? which usually moved about with total freedom and
complete invisibility??? had suffered a minor breakdown which
had made it visible. The behavior of the two entities seemed
to indicate that they were unaware that they could be seen until
one of them happened to glimpse the incredulous human??? who
(they perhaps reasoned) could only be staring at them.
At 5:00 A.M. on New Year s Day??? 1970??? Mrs. Doreen Ken-
dall??? a registered nurse at Cowichan District Hospital in British
Columbia noticed a brilliantly lighted??? circular object with a
transparent dome that housed two human-like beings. Accord-
ing to Mrs. Kendall??? the object was stationary in the air about
60 feet from the second floor of the hospital??? where she was

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