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His 'n' Hers_图书大全



His 'n' Hers

ISBN: 9780340825389

出版社: Hodder Paperback

出版年: 2005-1-31

页数: 368

定价: USD 14.45


From their first meeting at the student union over a decade ago, Jim and Alison successfully navigated their way through first dates, meeting parents, moving in together and more! Then they split up and divided their worldly goods (including a sofa, a cat and their flat) into his 'n' hers. Now, three years on and with new lives and new loves, they couldn't be happier. Until a chance encounter throws them back together, and causes them to embark on a journey through their past to ask themselves the big question: where did it all go wrong, and is it too late to put it all right?


麦克·盖尔(MIKE GAYLE),1970年出生于英国伯明翰。目前为自由新闻工作者,曾是两性关系专栏作家,为许多知名杂志撰稿,如:《男人帮》(VHM),伦敦时报的《星期日时尚》(SUNDAY TIMES STYLE),《时尚》(COSMOPOLITAN)等。 其作品以男性的视角,从都市男女情感的层面切入,将社会给予男性的责任、女性寄予男性的期待及由此给男人带来的不安全感和恐惧感等,进行了细致入微的刻画,让人一窥男性内心的私密世界,令人耳目一新。其作品开辟了全新的“男性自白文学”,是出版界的奇迹!作者语言简洁幽默,新意丛生。其第一本小说《失恋纪念日》(MY LEGENDARY GIRLFRIEND)一经面世,即让他红遍海外市场,该作品已被翻译成二十多种语言并被买下电影改编权。


关键词:His n Hers