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Emotional Branding

副标题: The New Paradigm for Connecting Brands to People

ISBN: 9781581150780

出版社: Allworth Press

出版年: 2001-01-15

页数: 319

定价: USD 24.95

装帧: Hardcover


Emotional Branding Bonds Brands With Today's Savvy Consumers

A visionary approach to building powerful brand loyalty, this groundbreaking book shows marketers of any product or service how to engage today's increasingly cynical consumers on deeper emotional levels. Case histories from the author's high-profile client list analyze demographic and behavioral shifts in populations and retail distribution channels, then show how all five senses can be used as powerful marketing tools to respond to those trends. Chapters detail how to develop strong brand personalities, customize brand presence to different consumer groups, use brand strategies in packaging and display, and facilitate breakthrough strategies for the Web. Chapters detail how to:

* develop unforgettable brand personalities

* customize brand presence to different consumer segments

* incorporate brand strategies into product and retail architecture design

* facilitate interactive access to your products through the Internet.

Emotional Branding breaks new ground in proposing innovative ways to create powerful and effective branding programs for meeting the challenges and opportunities of the new emotion-based economy.


馬克.葛伯(Marc Gobe)

是世界前十大品牌行銷公司Desgrippes Gobe(現為Brandimage)的合夥創辦人與前執行長。現任於Emotional Branding, LLC,這是一間位於紐約的實驗性智庫兼顧問公司,以創建網路經驗為首要宗旨。身為Leading Speakers Bureau的特約講師,馬克?葛伯曾多次在經貿相關研討會中授課,包括替The Conference Board、Global Shop與AIGA教授行銷、創意與設計等課程。他也擔任各個頂尖大學的客座講師,包括哥倫比亞大學、美國FIT設計學院、巴魯克學院、波士頓大學、俄亥俄州立大學、INSEAD巴塞隆納分校與法國ESSEC大學等。除此之外,馬克更受邀至各大企業與其高階主管分享他的Emotional Branding理論,包括Danone、Universal McCann、可口可樂、摩托羅拉、雅詩蘭黛、寶橋、通用汽車、寶獅、AOL、三星集團、JP Morgan、Merck、CBC Canada等企業。他亦著有《Brandjam》和《Citizen Brand》等書(皆由Allworth Press出版)。 吳孟穎(Sarah Wu)




关键词:Emotional Branding