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So, You Want to Be Canadian

副标题: All About the Most Fascinating People in the World and the Magical Place They Call Home

ISBN: 9780811845359

出版社: Chronicle Books

出版年: 2004-09-02

页数: 108

定价: USD 7.95

装帧: Paperback


Fun, impulse-priced and perfectly timed, a cheerleading pop cultural celebration of Canada and all things Canadian ride So, you want to be Canadian. Who doesn't these days? Long known as funny, charming, peaceable types who love to have a good time and always say "thank you" afterwards, Canadians are enjoying a major renaissance in attention, from their enlightened social policies to their wild and wooly pop culture. Playfully illustrated and packed with trivia, this cheeky celebration of Canada and all things Canadian reveals the mysteries of "eh?", why so many famous comedians hail from Canada, and which surprising films were actually shot in Canada (including Chicago - who knew?) Learn the difference bewteen an Ogo Pogo and a Windingo, marvel at the dreamy list of famous Canadian hotties, and tap your toes to the all-time Canadian top 40 smash hit songs. Featuring amazing Canadian inventions, great moments in Canadian history, a handy Canadian - American translator, and pointers on how to eat, dress, and apologize like a Canadian if you weren't lucky enough to be born a Canuck, So, You Want to Be Canadian demonstrates - once and for all - why Canada is so cool (formerly just cold).

关键词:So You Want to Be Canadian