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Changing Places

副标题: A Tale of Two Campuses

ISBN: 9780140170986

出版社: Penguin Books

出版年: 1979-10-25

页数: 256

定价: USD 15.00

装帧: Paperback


When Phillip Swallow and Professor Morris Zapp participate in their universities' Anglo-American exchange scheme, the Fates play a hand, and each academic finds himself enmeshed in the life of his counterpart on the opposite side of the Atlantic. Nobody is immune to the exchange: students, colleagues, even wives are swapped as events spiral out of control. And soon both sun-drenched Euphoric State University and rain-kissed University of Rummidge are a hotbed of intrigue, lawlessness and broken vows...'Not since Lucky Jim has such a funny book about academic life come my way' - "Sunday Times". --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.


戴维·洛奇(David Lodge),1935年在伦敦出生,早年就读于伦敦大学,伯明翰大学博士,英国皇家文学院院士,以文学贡献获得不列颠帝国勋章和法国文艺骑士勋章。从1960年起,执教于伯明翰大学英语系,1987年退职从事创作,兼伯明翰大学现代英国文学荣誉教授。

洛奇已出版12部长篇小说,包括“卢密奇学院三部曲”《换位》(Changing Places,1975年,获霍桑登奖和约克郡邮报小说大奖)、《小世界》(Small World,1984年,获布克奖提名)和《作者,作者》(Author,Author,)2004等,其中以“卢密奇学院三部曲”最为著名。他还著有《小说的艺术》(The Art of Fiction,1992年)和《意识与小说》(Consciousness and the Novel,2002年)等多部文学批评理论文集。洛奇的作品已用25种语言翻译出版。文学批评史家安东尼·伯吉斯认为,洛奇是“同代作家中最优秀的小说家之一”。



关键词:Changing Places