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Foucault's Pendulum

ISBN: 9780156032971

出版社: Mariner Books

出版年: 2007-3-5

页数: 623

定价: USD 15.95

装帧: Paperback


Bored with their work, three Milanese editors cook up "the Plan," a hoax that connects the medieval Knights Templar with other occult groups from ancient to modern times. This produces a map indicating the geographical point from which all the powers of the earth can be controlled--a point located in Paris, France, at Foucault's Pendulum. But in a fateful turn the joke becomes all too real, and when occult groups, including Satanists, get wind of the Plan, they go so far as to kill one of the editors in their quest to gain control of the earth. Orchestrating these and other diverse characters into his multilayered semiotic adventure, Eco has created a superb cerebral entertainment.




作为一名西方当代思想家,埃科最独特的地方在于其将学术和虚构之深浅两极共冶一炉,小说中有学术,学术中又有叙事性;而埃科其人也同样有着这种复杂和简单共处的人格魅力,他被美国《新闻周刊》称为“超级明星教授”、“令人愉悦的重量级”(Lighthearted Heavyweight),1995年,他甚至登上了时尚杂志《VOGUE》,成为明星级的学者。接受采访时,埃科也经常口出妙语:他说“上帝躲起来了,因为他不想上《VOGUE》杂志”;他说“现实比梦好:假如有东西是真的,那么它就是真的,而不会怪罪于你”;他说“要建立不朽的声名,你首先需要宇宙性的无耻”;他说“我渐渐相信了整个世界是一个谜,一个无伤大雅的谜;但我们把它弄糟了,我们企图诠释它,仿佛它有一个潜在答案似的”……


关键词:Foucault s Pendulum