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George Orwell Boxed Set (1984 and Animal Farm)_图书大全



George Orwell Boxed Set (1984 and Animal Farm)

ISBN: 9781433203268

出版社: Blackstone Audio Inc.

出版年: 2007-09-03

定价: USD 32.95

装帧: Audio CD


1984 Orwell depicts a gray, totalitarian world in which privacy does not exist, news is manufactured according to the authorities' will, and those with unorthodox ideas are brainwashed or put to death. Orwell's 1949 nightmare vision of the world we were becoming is still the great modern classic of negative Utopia. Animal Farm In this satire of the Russian Revolution, Manor Farm is transformed into Animal Farm, a democracy proclaiming, "All Animals Are Created Equal." But through the natures of the various animals, totalitarian rule is eventually resumed under the slogan, "But Some Animals Are More Equal than Others."


乔治·奥威尔(George Orwell, 1903-1950),英国作家。本名埃里克·亚瑟·布莱尔(Eric Arthur Blair),生于印度,父亲为殖民地官员。14岁考入伊顿公学,获取奖学金。1921从伊顿公学毕业后考取公职,到缅甸作了一名帝国警察,在那里,被奴役的殖民地人民的悲惨生活刺激了奥威尔的良知。他1927年辞职,后来写下与此段经历有关的《绞刑》(A Hanging, 1931),《缅甸岁月》(Burmese Days, 1934)和《猎象记》(Shooting an Elephant, 1936)这些纪实性作品。

1928年1月回国后,奥威尔深入到社会底层,四处漂泊流落。在巴黎、伦敦两地,当过洗盘子的杂工,住过贫民窟,常常混迹在流浪汉和乞丐之中。次年,写下了关于这段经历的纪实性作品《巴黎伦敦落魄记》(Down and Out in Paris and London, 1933),真切地描述了生活在社会底层的人民的苦难。正是在为这部作品署名时,他用了“乔治·奥威尔”这一笔名。

1936年7月,西班牙内战爆发。同年年底,奥威尔与新婚妻子一同奔赴西班牙,投身于保卫共和政府的战斗。奥威尔在前线担任少尉,喉部曾受重伤。他为记述西班牙内战而写的《向卡特洛尼亚致敬》(Homage to Catalonia, 1938)一书,后来成为关于这场内战的一部权威性文献。


